- How do I always get the latest CuraSwing update?
Activate “Automatic updates” for your app store. For the Google Play Store, go to Profile at the top right of the Play Store app, then to Settings, then to Network settings. For the Apple App Store, you can set “Automatic app update” under General settings (gear wheel), sub-item App Store.
- Where can I see my swing result after training?
CuraSwing does not yet display your swing result. But we are currently working on a corresponding update. Activate “Automatic updates” in your app store (Google Play Store app) or under Settings/App Store (Apple) so that you don't miss our next update.
- Can I also use CuraSwing on my leg?
In principle, this is possible. But our algorithm is currently designed for the arm swing. That's why you won't get consistently plausible music feedback on the leg.
- Can I load new music into CuraSwing myself?
No, unfortunately that is not possible. Our music consists of individual snippets of music for different components (melody, harmony, snare, bass ...). Therefore, music has to be composed specifically for CuraSwing and fitted into the app. We are currently working on new music. Activate “Automatic updates” in your App Store (Google Play Store App) or under Settings/App Store (Apple) so that you don't miss our next update.
- Where exactly is the smartphone attached to the arm?
For optimum music feedback, the smartphone should be attached directly to the wrist. The higher the smartphone sits on your arm, the less the algorithm reacts to the swing of your arm. Therefore, make sure that the case is suitable for the wrist when purchasing.
- Which bag is best to use CuraSwing with?
For optimum music feedback, the smartphone should be attached as close as possible to the wrist. Most commercially available bags are upper arm bags. These often do not attach well to the wrist. Simply because the upper arm is significantly wider. Therefore, make sure that the bag is suitable for the wrist when purchasing it.
- Do I always have to walk exactly to the beat?
No. However, the movement experience improves if you walk at roughly the same tempo as the music. The music feedback for the arm swing is also designed to roughly match this tempo. If you walk much slower or faster, the music will therefore sound less full. The rhythm of the music also has a positive effect on your movement if it is roughly linked to the tempo of the music.
- If I want to swing my arm harder, I can no longer walk in time. What do I have to do?
If you swing with too much force, you may lose your rhythm. This is usually because you walk slower when you exert more effort with your arm. Try swinging your arm less vigorously for a while. Your body will automatically adapt to the rhythm of the music again. Then carefully force the arm swing again.
- Which speed is right for me?
The walking speed should be set as high as possible. But safety first! You should always feel safe and stable during training. Basically, the stride frequency depends on the length of your legs. The longer the legs, the slower (and larger) the stride. This is why the arm swing frequency is generally higher with a smaller body size.
- Is the music feedback dependent on the walking speed?
Yes, our algorithm works with the smartphone's acceleration sensors. Faster walking speeds also make the arm swing faster. This means that if you select faster music, you should also swing your arm faster to trigger the music.
- What can I do if the sound in my headphones is distorted?
Sometimes there is a faulty pairing with the Bluetooth headphones. The music then sounds muffled and distorted. Close the app completely and restart the app.
- Does CuraSwing recognize whether I am swinging my arm forwards or backwards?
No, our algorithm reacts exclusively to acceleration.